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Saturday, September 18, 2010

one year later, a 15k

looking through my CK posts and found this from one year ago... almost to the date...

september 2009
So, I started this journey with over 100 pounds to lose. Here I am at 57 pounds lost and I cannot believe I am able to actually RUN on a treadmill! I was walking/jogging/interval training around my neighborhood all summer long and one day a couple weeks ago I ran 10 minutes straight for the second time. Now, I did it on a treadmill and I attributed it to the fact that a treadmill is easier because the ground moves for you. I then talked myself into doing another ten minutes after a few minutes of walking, and then I decided to see if I could do another ten on top of that for a total of 20 minutes jogging. I did it! I was so thrilled!!!!

A few days later, I decided to do 20 minutes again.. (of course after warming up for 5) and then I told myself to keep going a few more minutes, and a few more, etc. and it turned into 10 more!!! I ran for 30 minutes straight without stopping!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! I know it's not a fluke because I did it again yesterday... WITH a BROKEN TOE and WITH a bad SORE THROAT I was able to run for 30 minutes for a total of 2.2 MILES!!!!

This fatty is on her way to former fatty 30 minutes at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

i can't believe how far i have come. it's unbelievable.

here i am, preparing for my first long race... a 15k. i have my number, i am mentally preparing, resting today and i rested yesterday... i have trained since june. and it's going to happen! 

i am nervous...
that i will start too fast
that i will injure myself
i won't finish (but i know i will!)
that my nerves will get in the way

but i am also EXCITED! and i can't wait for the finish line. my running group has been so marvelous to run with and i have learned so much. i am so much more fit than i was a year ago, and even a few months ago.

even if i am not the "best" runner out there, it's only a race against myself and i have won... i have won over and over. every time my feet hit the pavement i am winning!


Give me courage to run the race.
Help me to persevere as you taught us.
Grant me the strength to finish strong.
Honor me with your presence on my journey.

Oh, Lord...
One more breath...
One more step...
One more mile...
This is my prayer.

I can do all things through
YOU who strengthens me!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Over the Hump

We ran 10 miles on Friday.

TEN MILES. It was hard, rough, and windy. It took us an hour and 41 minutes, and we ran slower than a 10 minute mile pace. Our normal pace is 9-9:30, so the wind really took its toll. Holly injured her leg and it was a total bummer. She felt so good too! I'm hopeful that she will have a speedy recovery... Gwyn and I finished and at 9.7 miles I felt like I couldn't push anymore. But I did it! WE DID IT. Now we start to taper in mileage and we prep for our race! I am going to start back to strength training this week more routinely as I "laid off" a little while we were increasing our mileage.

I cannot emphasize how important it is to have a support system built in to your running routine. I never would have dared to run 10 miles on my own. And this is the hump, the mental block that we needed to get past in order to feel good about our 15k. 9 miles was great, and 10 was difficult. But the wind was a reminder of how strong we are and how far we have come.

It is hard to believe that my 15k training is almost over and before I know it I will be running the shoreline classic.This training has taught me a lot about perseverance. It has taught me that I AM a runner and that I can do it!

I am also training for a half marathon which will be October 16th. It's the Indianapolis Half Marathon in Indy. I am nervous and I don't know how our training will go. The shoreline training was all spelled out and this one is new and more "on our own."

I don't doubt that my running partners will carry me through. I have no doubt that we will support each other.

Today, Mel and I arn the Arthur Cheese Festival "Rat Race" 5K in Arthur, Il. It was a blast and I made a new PR! Mel was sick and sniffly and I felt bad when she pulled back around mile 2. But I was glad in the end that I pushed on because I ran it in 27:29, which is pretty dang good for me!

Mel increased her time too. We were twinkies! :) You can see we wore our Penguin shirts and the same shorts. It was so nice to run this with her. She is such a trooper!

Here are my past race times:
1st 5k - Penguin in the Park 3/10 - 33:52:9 Results Here 
2nd 5k - Illinois Marathon  5/10 - 30:16 Results Here 
3rd 5k - Race for the Cure  7/26 - 31:36
4th 5k - Arthur Cheese Fest 9/6 - 27:29

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